
[b?k]     [b?k]    
  • n. 后面;背脊;靠背;后背;后衛
  • vt. 支持;后退
  • adv. 向后地
  • adj. 向后的;后面的;偏遠的;過時的;積欠的
backless backed backed backing backs



n. (名詞)
  1. 后部,后面
  2. 末尾
  3. 背脊,脊
  4. 靠背
  5. 后衛,后衛球員
  6. 椅背
  7. 反面,里面
  8. 體力
  9. 【造船】(船的)龍骨
  10. 襯墊
  11. 底座
adv. (副詞)
  1. 向后
  2. 以前,從前
  3. 回原處,在原處
  4. 歸,還
  5. 退,倒,后退地
  6. 追溯,往回
  7. 止住
  8. 延緩
  9. 回,返
  10. 回復原狀
  11. 在后面
  12. 向背面
  13. 回頭
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 偏僻的
  2. 過去的
  3. 到期未付的,拖欠的
  4. 向后的,向后動的
  5. 過期的
  6. 【語】舌根音的
  7. 后部的,背部的,后面的
  8. 邊遠的,邊陲的
  9. 回程的
  10. 逆的
  11. 落后的
v. (動詞)
  1. 后退,倒退,退后
  2. 支持
  3. 打賭,下睹注于
  4. 使倒退,使后退
  5. 援助,贊助,幫助,資助
  6. 裱褙,裱(畫)
  7. 背書
  8. 避免(做討厭的事)
  9. 放棄
  10. 逆行
  11. 反(時針)轉
  12. 來來去去,翻來覆去
  13. 給...裝背襯,給...加襯里,作…的襯里
  14. 裝上(椅)背
  15. 作的背景
  16. 給...做后援
  17. 慫恿
  18. 【?!浚L)逆時針轉向
  19. 伴奏,伴奏
  20. 在…背后加固
  21. 位于(某物)的后面,站在后面
  22. 襯托
  23. 背朝
  24. 由于對手的差錯而進入(有利地位)


n. (名詞)
  1. [S]后部,反面 part or surface of an object that is furthest from the front; part that is less used, less visible or less important
  2. [C]背,背部 rear part of the human body from the neck to the buttocks
  3. [C]椅背 part of a chair against which a seated person's back rests; part of a garment covering the back
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)后退,(使)倒退 (cause to) go backward
  2. vt. 支持 support
adj. (形容詞)
  1. [A]后邊的 situated behind
  2. [A]過去的,過期的 of or for a past time
  3. [A]遲交的,欠交的 owed for a time in the past; overdue
  4. [A]后元音的 (of a vowel) formed at the back of the mouth
adv. (副詞)
  1. 往后,在后面 towards or at the rear; away from the front or centre
  2. 控制住,忍住 under control
  3. 恢復; 上溯 in an earlier position, condition or stage; into the past
  4. 回報 in return


  1. the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine;

    "his back was nicely tanned"

  2. the side that goes last or is not normally seen;

    "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph"

  3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer;

    "he stood at the back of the stage"
    "it was hidden in the rear of the store"

  4. (football) a person who plays in the backfield

  5. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord;

    "the fall broke his back"

  6. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book;

    "the book had a leather binding"

  7. the part of a garment that covers the back of your body;

    "they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back"

  8. a support that you can lean against while sitting;

    "the back of the dental chair was adjustable"

  9. (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage

  1. related to or located at the back;

    "the back yard"
    "the back entrance"

  2. located at or near the back of an animal;

    "back (or hind) legs"
    "the hinder part of a carcass"

  3. of an earlier date;

    "back issues of the magazine"

  1. in or to or toward a former location;

    "she went back to her parents' house"

  2. at or to or toward the back or rear;

    "he moved back"
    "tripped when he stepped backward"
    "she looked rearward out the window of the car"

  3. in or to or toward an original condition;

    "he went back to sleep"

  4. in or to or toward a past time;

    "set the clocks back an hour"
    "never look back"
    "lovers of the past looking fondly backward"

  5. in reply;

    "he wrote back three days later"

  6. in repayment or retaliation;

    "we paid back everything we had borrowed"
    "he hit me and I hit him back"
    "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher"

  1. be behind; approve of;

    "He plumped for the Labor Party"
    "I backed Kennedy in 1960"

  2. travel backward;

    "back into the driveway"
    "The car backed up and hit the tree"

  3. give support or one's approval to;

    "I'll second that motion"
    "I can't back this plan"
    "endorse a new project"

  4. cause to travel backward;

    "back the car into the parking spot"

  5. support financial backing for;

    "back this enterprise"

  6. be in back of;

    "My garage backs their yard"

  7. place a bet on;

    "Which horse are you backing?"
    "I'm betting on the new horse"

  8. shift to a counterclockwise direction;

    "the wind backed"

  9. establish as valid or genuine;

    "Can you back up your claims?"

  10. strengthen by providing with a back or backing



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Three people can sit in the back of this car.
  2. It encouraged him to talk because his back had stiffened in the night and it hurt truly now.
  3. You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.
  4. John plays back in the team.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. I'll back you up no matter what's happening.
  2. I found no evidence to back your interpretation.
  3. You'll have to back the car up into the garage.
  4. He refused to back away from his position.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. Slacken your legs and slowly lie back.
    放松雙腿, 慢慢向后躺下。
  2. Stand back! You're stepping on my toes.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The kangaroo uses its back legs to jump.
  2. I bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday.


用作名詞 (n.)
  1. There used to be a big and beautiful garden at the back of their house.
  2. There is a lot of useful information at the back of this dictionary.
  3. The last time I bought from a market trader I was given rotten fruit from the back of the pile.
  4. I've got a sore place in my back.
  5. He likes sitting in the back of the class.
  6. Some fishes have gills on the back.
  7. There is a bird on the back of a piece of cloth.
  8. You write the address on the front of an envelope, not on the back of it.
  9. I am afraid my report for the past year is not a very cheerful one, it is the story of one calamity on the back of another.
  10. The little boy was dozing with his back against the chair.
  11. Did you paint the back of the bookcase?
  12. My home lies back of the school.
  13. One of the backs was hurt in the match.
用作動詞 (v.)
用作不及物動詞 S+~(+A)
  1. The horse backed suddenly.
  2. Don't back off.
用作及物動詞 S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I hope you will back my thought.
  2. Can you back your story with facts?
  3. You could back the dress with silk.
  4. 1
  5. All our books have now been backed.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
用作定語 ~+ n.
  1. On the back wall there is a map of China.
  2. He came through the back door.
  3. Does the back door have a lock on it?
  4. He sat in a back seat in the car.
  5. There is something wrong with the back wheels of the truck.
  6. He clawed his way up from the back streets of Glasgow.
  7. The war is all back history now, and our two countries are good friends.
  8. He owed three months' back rent.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. The crowd fell back to let the fire engine through.
  2. Our army forced the enemy to fall back.
  3. I bent back too far and hurt my neck.
  4. I hope you'll never change back from the person you have recently become.
  5. Students have no way of getting back at a teacher who marks their work unfairly.
  6. The sight of the garden bears back the days when we lived in Paris.
  7. It was he who bore back the latest news.
  1. He will be back before the month is out.
  2. He is sure to be back soon.
  3. I shall be back this evening.I'm not sure what train.
  4. After a year in the hospital, he's back in circulation.
  1. That smell of freshly baked bread carries me back!
  2. May I borrow your pen?I'll bring it back tomorrow.
  3. Don't bend the book back, you'll damage it.
  4. Would you carry the chairs back into the house for me?


用作名詞 (n.)
at the back of
    支持 support
at the back of mind
    在內心中 in one's thoughts, but without being of immediate or central concern
back be to the wall
    處于絕境 in difficulties with no retreat
back to back
    背靠背 back against back
back to front
    前后顛倒 with the back placed where the front should be
back to the drawing-board
    一切從頭再來 restarting from the beginning
be on one's back
    取笑〔煩擾〕某人 annoy, hinder or persecute sb
behind one's back
    背著某人 without sb's knowledge or consent
break the back of
    解決了最艱難的部分 finish the more or most difficult part of sth
get on sb's back
    找某人的麻煩 persecute sb
like the back of a bus
    難看的,丑陋的 ugly
like the back of one's hand
    熟悉 intimately
pat on the back
    對…表示贊揚 praise
    pat sb/oneself on the back

    It can be very embarrassing to have to listen to someone patting you on the back in public.


    Her performance wasn't so wonderful—I don't know what cause she has to pat herself on the back.


    The first minutes of his speech consisted mainly of patting himself on the back.


put one's back into
    竭盡全力 make a strenuous effort
stay on sb's back
    糾纏 be in a tangle
turn one's back on
    背棄 abandon; deliberately ignore
you scratch my back and I will scratch yours
    為了與己方便而給某人以方便; 投之以桃,報之以李 you do me a favour and I will do you one in return
用作動詞 (v.)
back away( v.+adv. )
    不愿考慮 be unwilling to consider an idea
    back away

    The crowd backed away to let the wounded man pass through.


    back away from sth

    The child backed away from the fierce dog.


    back away from sth

    I could see she was backing away from the idea.


back down ( v. + adv. )
    退讓,退回去,撤銷(要求等) accept defeat in an argument, opinion, or claim; admit that one was wrong
    back down

    I saw that she was right, so I had to back down.


back into( v. + prep. )
    (使)倒進… (cause to) move back into sth
    back into sth

    Be careful when you back into the garage, the doorway is very narrow.


    back sth into sth

    Next you must learn how to back a car into a parking space.


back onto( v. + prep. )
    后面是,背靠著 be near to or have at the back
    back onto sth

    Our house backs onto a piece of woodland.


    We chose this house because the garden backs onto the tennis courts.


back out( v. + adv. )
    不遵守(諾言、合同等),改變主意 fail to fulfil a promise, contract, etc.; change an idea
    back out

    I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.


    Please don't try to back out now that everything's been arranged.


    You said you would go; you can't back out now.


    back out of sth

    He would like to back out of the contract, but we can't allow it.


back up( v. + adv. )
    復制 make a copy of
    back sb/sth ? up

    The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't backed me up.


    He backed up his arguments with facts.


    back sth ? up

    The flood water from the storm backed up the pipes.


    back up

    You'll have to back up and turn around.


    back sth ? up

    Make sure you back up the disk before you turn the computer off.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
take a back seat
    居于次要的地位; 知趣靠邊 adopt an inconspicuous position or role
through the back door
    走后門,通過不正當的秘密途徑 in an unofficial way; indirectly
用作副詞 (adv.)
answer back
back and forth
    來回地 from one place to another and back again repeatedly
get one's own back
    報復have one's revenge
go back on one's word
hold back
keep back
pay back
there and back
    往返,來回 to a place and back again


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作形容詞 (adj.)
用作副詞 (adv.)


  • Down his back from his mane to his tail went a line of black.

    出自: O. Henry
  • She stood with her back against the door feeling the brass handle press against a bone in her spine.

    出自: A. Schlee
  • A small flat back claw, or toe.

    出自: J. Ray
  • Coming unexpectedly from a back parlour into the shop.

    出自: L. Sterne
  • A little morocco box, which..contained the Major's back teeth.

    出自: Thackeray
  • The bomber..might have to travel only 50 the back areas of the German Army to bomb dumps.sssss J. le Carr&eacusc;

    出自: E. C. Shepherd
  • They sat over a pot of tea in the back kitchen.

    出自: F. Forsyth
  • The ashler walls were backed..with rubble stone, or with bricks.

    出自: J. Smeaton
  • The angel of the Lord rolled back the stone.

    出自:Bible (AV): Matthew
  • Back, beardless boy! Back, minion!

    出自: Sir W. Scott
  • I sort of brushed my hair back with my hand.

    出自: J. D. Salinger
  • Looking back when at the gate.

    出自: P. Porter



n. (名詞)
  1. back用作名詞的基本意思是表示人的“背;背部”和表示某物的“后面;后部”。引申可作“椅背”“后襟”等解。用于球類運動則指“后衛”。
  2. back作“后面”“背面”“反面”解時用單數形式,其前須加定冠詞the。在表示較近的“后面,背面”時用on the back of;在表示較遠的“后面”時用at the back of(范圍之外)或in the back of(范圍之內),在美式英語中at〔in〕可省略。
v. (動詞)
  1. back的基本意思是“(使)后退”,指某人或某物回到原來的位置或狀態。有時引申可表示“支持”,即“作后盾”。
  2. back可用作及物動詞或不及物動詞,用作及物動詞時接名詞或代詞作簡單賓語。
adj. (形容詞)
  1. back表示位置或方向時意思是“后面的,往后的”。也可表示時間作“過去的,過期的”“遲交的,欠交的”解,在句中只用作定語。
  2. back在語音學中也可作“后元音的”解。
  3. back在句中只用作定語,不用于比較等級。
adv. (副詞)
  1. back用作副詞的基本意思是“往后,在后面”,也可引申表示“忍住”“恢復”或“上溯”。
  2. back常修飾動態動詞(如不及物動詞go, come, get,及物動詞bring, get, take等),在句中作狀語,也可用作表語。
  3. back和be連用可引申表示“恢復”; back和beat, hit, fight等動詞連用可表示“打退”。
  4. back作“來回;向后”解時一般不與turn連用。
  5. 注意如果動詞本身已經表達了“相反動作”的意思,就不能再用back。
  6. back用作副詞時不用于比較等級。
  1. again同back的意思相近,但用法不同:back與動詞連用時,作為副詞,常指退回到前一個狀態,或是從與之前相反的狀態返回去,而again不可這樣用。again與動詞連用時,表示“重復,再一次”。注意sell back和sell again的不同,前者是賣回給同一個人,后者是再次賣,賣給不同的人。當動詞本身指“退回,返回”的意思時,不可再用back,而可以用again加強“退回,返回”的意思。在副詞+動詞+介詞結構中,back和again都表示“回到上一狀態”。

    Give me my watch back.(NOT Give me my watch again.)

    Can you play it again?

    The bike you sold me is too small.
    If we buy this house and then have to move somewhere else, how easy will it be to sell it again?

    Stefan can never return to his country (again).

    I stood up, and then I sat (back) down (again).

  2. back可以用在動詞和主語之間,而again則不可以。

    Take back your money.
    Count the money again, please.(NOT Count again the money.)

  3. back and forth,backwards and forwards以及to and fro意思相似,美國人常用第一種表達方式,而英國人習慣用后兩種表達方式;
  4. back of同in back of有“在……后面”的意思,美國人常用,前者比后者使用普遍;
  5. back有時指“拖欠著的”,常見的搭配有back pay/salary(欠薪),back rent(欠租),back taxes(欠稅)等;
  6. 注意as far back as the fifteenth century中第2個as后沒有in。


n. (名詞)
at the back of, in the back of
  • 這兩個短語的意思相近,都是“在…后面”的意思。其區別在于:
  • the back of指在某地方之外的后面部分; in the back of的意思是指在某地方之內的后面部分。
  • the back of也可引申為“支持”“在…印象中”,而in the back of沒有此義。
  • turn one's back on, turn one's back to
  • 兩者不同義,前者含有輕蔑的感情色彩,而后者沒有這種色彩。例如:
  • In the old society, the rich always turned their back on the poor.在舊社會,富人總是瞧不起窮人。
  • But Jack has turned his back to the trouble over it.可杰克并不把這件麻煩事放在心里。
  • 下面兩句意思不同:
  • Stand back, please.
  • 請往后站。
  • Stand behind, please.
  • 請在后面站著。
  • 下面兩句意思不同:
  • We all wish to see her back.
  • 我們都希望見到她回來。
  • We all wish to see the back of her.
  • 我們都希望她快點離開。
  • 前者用于直義,后者則含有“巴不得離去”的意味。
  • v. (動詞)
    back away, back off
  • 這兩個短語的共同意思是“后退”,一般說可以互換,特別是指“因害怕而后退”。而在表示“后退(讓出地方)”時,含義略有差異, back away強調目的,即“為讓出地方而后退”,而back off則強調結果,即“因后退而讓出了地方”。
  • back down, back off
  • 這兩個短語的共同意思是“放棄論點、觀點或權利”,其差別在于back off主要用于美式英語。
  • back out, go back on
  • 這兩個短語都有“言而無信”之意。其區別在于:
  • 1.back out指主體違背或撤銷其過去一度許下的諾言,或從所承擔的義務、所參與的計劃中撤出來;而go back on僅指“食言”,即說話不算數。
  • 2.back out后可接of或from短語說明失信的具體內容;go back on后可接to短語或動詞不定式說明具體的對象。
  • 3.go back on直接接sb時往往含“不忠”或“出賣”的意思,而back out無此意義及用法。
  • back, champion, support
  • 這組詞的共同意思是“支持”。它們的區別在于:back多指給予物質或道義上的資助,有“作后臺”的意味; support指支撐重量或作為支柱或給予需要的力量,以防某人或某物跌倒或陷下; 而champion則指支持他人或某項運動而去奮斗、辯論或演說。例如:
  • Don't worry. I will back you up.不要憂慮,我支持你。
  • The teammates supported the injured player.隊友扶著那受傷的球員。
  • We champion a just cause.我們支持正義的事業。
  • adv. (副詞)
    back, backwards
  • 這兩個詞都有“向…后;在…后”之意,表示方向時可互換。其區別在于:back側重于方向或原始位置或狀態的恢復;而backwards則側重于動作進行的方式。
  • back, behind
  • 這兩個詞都有“在…之后”的意思。其區別在于:behind是介詞,指在某物或某時間之后; back是副詞,與另外的物〔時間〕無關。例如:
  • But communications were back to normal this morning.但是今天上午通訊恢復了正常。
  • I want no monkey business behind my back.我不準任何人背著我搗鬼。
  • be back, come back, get back, go back, return
  • 這組詞(組)都可表示“回去”。其區別是:
  • return與其他詞相比有些書卷氣; come back的意思是“回歸”“回來”,指回到說話人所在的地方; go back指回到出發點,是一種非正式說法,常用于口語中; get back是回到原來的出發點; be back意為“回來了”,表示狀態,是日常應用最廣的非正式說法。例如:
  • Did Duff come back?—Yes, he came back.達夫回來了嗎?是的,他回來了。
  • Now let's go back to the beginning of the page.現在讓我們回到這頁的開頭。
  • When he got back, he found that supper was over.當他回來的時候,他發現晚餐已經結束了。
  • I'll be back next Saturday.我將在下個星期六回來。
  • bring back, call to mind, call up, come back to, think back
  • 這組短語都有“回憶起”的意思。其區別是:
  • 1.在含意上,bring back指從現在的事物中引起對過去事情的回憶,含觸景生情之意,主語是人時意為“記起;想起”,主語為事物時意為“使想起”;come back to和think back指“回憶起”某事物;call to mind主語是人時意為“記起;想起”,主語為事物時意為“使想起”;call up的含意與bring back相同,但主語通常為事物,不指人。
  • 2.在用法上,bring back通常用memory作賓語;come back多用被想起的事物或it作主語,to后接表人的詞或mind, memory等與記憶有關的詞作賓語表示“回憶起”某事物;think back的主語多指人,如指事物則常與make作補語,back后常接“to〔on〕+被想起的事物”;call to mind不用于被動結構,其中的call為及物動詞,其賓語多置于mind之后,mind可有物主代詞修飾。
  • date back to, go back to, run back to, trace back to
  • 這組短語都指“追溯到”過去某時、某時期或過去發生的某事的意思。其區別是:
  • date back to指“始于,追溯到”,強調某事物開始的時間,一般不用被動結構,常用一般時;go back to和run back to意思相同,但run back to少用,均多指友誼、家事的起源,強調從現在起回到過去開始的某一時期;trace back to與go back to, run back to意思相近,但更強調追根溯源。
  • hold back, keep back, put back, set back
  • 這組短語都有“推遲;延遲”的意思。其區別是:
  • 1.從含意上說,hold back和keep back都表示“推遲”某事的進行或某人做某事,強調比通?;蝾A定的時間要晚;put back和set back都指某事因某種原因而“被推遲”進行。
  • 2.從用法上說,hold的賓語可以是人,也可以是物,可用于被動結構;put back和set back后可加to短語指被延期到未來的某時候進行,一般用被動結構。
  • back,backward,hind,behind
  • 這些詞均有“在后,向后”之意。
  • back作為副詞或形容詞時,強調所修飾物的位置以及動作運動方向。
  • backward可用于人或物,指向后的,落后的或遲鈍的。
  • hind指成對并且分前后的東西的“后面的”。
  • behind指一物同它物相對的位置或場所。
  • back,uphold,support,sustain,advocate
  • 這些動詞均有“支持,支援,擁護”之意。
  • back通常指對論點、行動、事業等的強有力支持。
  • uphold既可指積極努力對陷入困境者的支持,也可指給某人在行動、道義或信仰上的支持。
  • support含義廣泛,多指在道義上或物質上支持某人,也可指對某項事業的支持。
  • sustain側重指連續不斷的支持。
  • advocate多指通過寫文章或發表演說等來支持或擁護,往往暗示提倡某事或為某事辯護。
  • 常見錯誤

    n. (名詞)

      He lay to his back and stared up at the ceiling.

      He lay on his back and stared up at the ceiling.

      表示“仰臥”,應該說lie on one's back,介詞用on不用to。


      He rented a room in back of the house.

      He rented a room in the back of the house.

      in back of表示“在…后面”,相當于behind。in the back of表示“在…后部”,相當于in the rear part of?!耙婚g后房”應該是a room in the back of the house。


      There is a vegetable garden in the back of the house.

      At the back of the house there is a vegetable garden.

      表示“在…之外的后面部分”,應該說at the back of,不用in the back of。

    adv. (副詞)

      When you finish the book, please return it back to the library.

      When you finish the book, please return it to the library.






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