



  • - (似雪的顏色) white:

    white as snow; 雪白

    a white shirt; 白襯衫

    - (清楚; 明白; 弄明白) clear:

    clear; easy to understand; 明白

    not clear; not open; slightly underhand; 不明不白

    - (空的; 沒加他物的) pure; clear; plain; unmixed; blank:

    plain boiled water; 白開水

    poor and blank 一窮二白

    - (象征反動) White (as a symbol of reaction):

    the White Area; 白區

    the White Army 白軍

    - (把字寫錯或說錯) wrongly written or mispronounced:

    wrongly write a character 寫白字

  • - (沒有效果; 徒然) without results; in vain; waste efforts:

    labour without results; 白費力氣

    make a trip in vain; 白跑一趟

    - (無代價; 無報償) free of charge; gratis:

    eat without pay; 白吃

    give away free of charge; give for nothing; 白給

  • - (戲劇等中說的語句) spoken part in opera,etc.:

    spoken part in opera; 道白

    soliloquy; 獨白

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Bai Juyi 白居易

    - (地方話) dialect:

    Suzhou dialect 蘇白

  • - (說明; 陳述) explain; present; clear up; state:

    bare one's heart; explain one's true intentions; 表白心跡

    explain oneself; confess; 自白

    - (變白) turn white:

    The hair turns white on a young head. 白了少年頭。

    - (用白眼珠看人) look upon people with the white of the eyes:

    She gave him an angry stare. 她生氣地白了他一眼。



  1. 天竺葵是種開紅、粉紅或白色花的花園植物。
    The geranium is a garden plant with red, pink or white flowers.
  2. 我丟了一塊帶藍色花邊的白手絹。
    I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.
  3. 在空白欄中寫上你的名字。
    Write your name in the blank.
  4. 雪白的頭發使他看上去很和善。
    He looks kind with snowy hair.
  5. 普通的白玻璃是透明的。
    Plain glass is transparent.
  6. 他的坦白簡直太愚蠢了!
    His plainness is just stupid!
  7. 白雪皚皚,鋪滿田野。
    The fields were all covered with pure white snow.
  8. 如果你同意我的意見,就明白地回答“是”。
    Answer with a plain "yes" if you agree with me.


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