



  • - (灌入) pour; irrigate:

    pour; 澆注

    The rain poured down.; It's a downpour. 大雨如注。

    - (集中) concentrate on; fix on; focus on:

    concentrate one's attention on; 專注

    concentrate on; be engrossed in, be preoccupied with 全神貫注

    - (用文字來解釋字句) annotate; explain with notes; give exegesis or explanation:

    make commentary and annotation; give exegesis; 評注

    provide critical and explanatory notes for; annotate 批注

    - (記載; 登記) record; register:

    register the students; 給學生注冊

    record in historical records 注入史冊

  • - (賭注) stakes:

    put up stakes; 下注

    stake everything on a single throw 孤注一擲

    - (解釋字句的文字) notes:

    annotations; 附注

    footnote 腳注



  1. 請注意我的話。
    Please note my words.
  2. 她注視著順著窗戶往下流的大雨。
    She watched the rain pouring down the windows.
  3. 注意我的勸告。
    Take note of my advice.
  4. 在樹林中走了一個小時而沒有見到什么值得注意的東西,這怎么可能呢?
    How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note?
  5. 你的建議已受到注意。
    Your suggestion has been duly noted.
  6. 書后面有注解嗎?
    Are there any explanatory notes at the back of the book?
  7. 我沒有注意到他已經走了。
    I failed to note that he had left.
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