



  • - (存在; 生存) exist; live; survive:

    remnant; surviving; 殘存

    exist only in name but not in reality 名存實亡

    - (儲存; 保存) store; keep:

    store up grain; 存糧

    seal up for safekeeping; 封存

    - (蓄積; 聚集) accumulate; collect:

    Whenever it rains, a lot of water accumulates in the low-lying land. 一下雨,洼地里就存了好些水。

    - (儲蓄) deposit:

    He always deposits half of his salary in the bank. 他總是把一半薪金存入銀行。

    - (寄存) leave with; check:

    leave one's bicycle in a bicycle park; 存自行車

    You can check your suitcases in at the desk. 你們可把箱子存在服務臺。

    - (保留) reserve; retain:

    seek common ground while reserving differences; 求同存異

    He always says what he thinks; he can't hold anything back. 他有什么說什么,肚子里存不住話。

    - (結存; 余留) remain on balance; be in stock:

    The accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan. 收支相抵,凈存兩千元。

    - (心里懷著) cherish; harbour:

    harbour no illusions; 不存幻想

    cherish high hopes 存著很大的希望



  1. 儲存的谷物經常受到害蟲的破壞。
    Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests.
  2. 此詩現存最早的原稿收藏在這座博物館里。
    The earliest extant manuscript of this poem has been kept in the museum.
  3. 這種食品應低溫保存。
    The food should be kept at low temperature.
  4. 他保存著她的一綹頭發。
    He keeps a lock of her hair.
  5. 她保存著莎士比亞的真本。
    She kept the canon of Shakespeare.
  6. 老人把他的儲蓄存在銀行里。
    The old man kept his savings in the bank.
  7. 我想存點兒錢。
    I'd like to deposit some money.


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