



  • - (空氣流動) wind:

    cool [refreshing, pleasant] breeze; 清風

    typhoon; 臺風

    - (風氣; 風俗) practice; atmosphere; custom:

    change prevailing habits and custom; 移風易俗

    foster healthy tendencies; 樹新風

    - (景象) scene; view:

    sight; scene; view 風光

    - (態度) attitude:

    style; way; 作風

    style of study 學風

    - (風聲; 消息) news; information:

    flee at the news 聞風而逃

    - (指民歌,《詩經》里的《國風》,是古代十五國的民歌) a section in The Book of Songs consisting of ballads:

    collect ballads 采風

    - (某些疾?。?disease:

    epilepsy; 羊癇風

    fungal infection of the hand; 鵝掌風

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Feng Huzi 風胡子

  • - (借風力吹干) put out to dry or air:

    air-dry 風干

    - (借風力使純凈) winnow:

    well-winnowed 風凈

  • - (借風力吹干的) air-dried:

    air-dried meat 風肉

    - (傳說的; 沒有確實根據的) rumoured; groundless:

    slanderous gossip 風言風語



  1. 這種建筑風格讓我感到很壓抑。
    This kind of architectural style depresses me.
  2. 她以簡練的風格寫小說。
    She writes novels with economical style.
  3. 我不會跟你撒謊,那不是我的風格。
    I wouldn't tell lies to you; that's not my style.
  4. 這塊地毯是俄國風格的。
    This carpet is of Russian style.
  5. 這種建筑風格起源于古希臘。
    The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks.
  6. 威尼斯的美很大程度上在于它那古代建筑的風格。
    The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient buildings.
  7. 微風輕拂著她的頭發。
    The wind kissed her hair.
  8. 她風度優雅,備受歡迎。
    Her charm of manner made her very popular.


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