



  • - (提出或商量) make an appointment; arrange:

    We arranged with him to meet at the hotel at one o'clock. 我們和他約好1點鐘在旅館碰頭。

    I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Wang, the manager. 我想跟王經理約個時間談談。

    - (邀請) ask or invite in advance:

    Please ask him to come. 請約他來。

    He often asked her out. 他常約她出去。

    - (拘束) restrict; restrain:

    restrain;bind 約束

    - {數} (約分) reduce:

    Five over ten can be reduced to one over two. 5/10可以約成1/2。

  • - (約定的事) pact; agreement; appointment:

    keep an appointment; 踐約

    make a pact; come to an agreement; 立約

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Yue Xu 約續

  • - (儉?。?economical; frugal:

    economize; 節約

    live economically; lead a frugal life 自奉甚約

    - (簡單; 簡要) simple; brief:

    in brief; in a word 約言之

    - (模糊) indistinct:

    indistinct; faint 隱約

  • - (大概) about; around; approximately:

    about fifty people; 約50人

    about a month 約1個月



  1. 地球的圓周長約為25000。
    The circumference of the earth is almost 25000 miles/The earth is almost 25000 miles in circumference.
  2. 她開車行駛了大約十英里。
    She drove for about ten miles.
  3. 我們開出約五十英里汽車就拋錨了。
    We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down.
  4. 我們經過了一個汽車服務站,大約有一英里遠了。
    We passed a garage, about a mile back.
  5. 車朝我開過來時約翰叫道: "小心!"
    "Look out!" Jone called as the car came towards me.
  6. 地球的圓周長約為兩萬五千英里。
    The circumference of the earth is almost 25,000 miles.


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