



  • - (離開) leave; part from; be away from; separate:

    go far away from home; 遠離家鄉

    be separated; 別離

    - (背離) go against:

    rebel; desert and rebel 叛離

    - (缺少) dispense with; go without; be independent of:

    can not go without a walking stick; 離不開手杖

    Fish can not live without water. 魚兒離不開水。

    - (偏離) deviate from; shift from:

    deviate from standard; stray off; 離譜兒

    Don't stray from the point. 不要離題亂扯。

    - (距離; 相距) be apart [away] from; be at a distance from:

    be about 50 kilometres away from Beijing; 離北京約50公里

    The bus stop is not far from the hospital. 公共汽車站離醫院很近。

  • - (八卦之一) li, one of the Eight Diagrams
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Li Xin 離辛



  1. 這個花園離市中心只有五分鐘的路程。
    The park is only five minutes from downtown.
  2. 這棟房子對我們來說不夠大,而且離城太遠了。
    This house is not large enough for us, and further, it is too far from the town.
  3. 他似乎不愿離去。
    He seemed somewhat loath to depart.
  4. 我們明天必須離開,真是遺憾。
    It is a pity that we shall have to leave tomorrow.
  5. 他一來,她就離開。
    He had no sooner come than she left.
  6. 離我遠一點兒!
    Get away from me!
  7. 比賽離終場還有五分鐘時,雙方比分為五比零。
    The score was five-nil with five minute left in the game.
  8. 直到他來我才離開。
    It was not until he came that I left.


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