



  • - (姓氏)a surname:

    Bo Zheng 百政

  • - (十個十) hundred
  • - (眾多; 所有的) all; all kinds of; classes; multifarious; numerous:

    in the midst of pressing affairs; despite many claims on one's time; 百忙之中

    (of a shop assistant) patiently answer any questions the customers ask and show them any goods they what to see; 百問不厭,百拿不煩

  • - (非常) very; always:

    full of energy; with high spirit; 精神百倍

    very clever 百精百靈



  1. 這本書形象地描寫了一百年前的中國生活。
    This book gives a good picture of life in China 100 hundred years ago.
  2. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
    I am a hundred percent in agreement with you.
  3. 這個種植園里有數百名奴隸。
    There were hundreds of slaves in the plantation.
  4. 運動場上有五百多人。
    There are more than five hundred people on the playground.
  5. 遼闊的平原綿延數百英里。
    The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles.
  6. 成百上千的戰士在這場血戰中犧牲。
    Hundreds of soldiers died in this bloody battle.
  7. 盟軍數以百計的飛機轟炸了那個國家。
    The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred.
  8. 由于政府縮減經費的緣故,有五百人被突然解雇了。
    Five hundred jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts.
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