



  • - (通行的大道; 重要的地方交通要道) thoroughfare; important place:

    hub 要沖

    - (山區的平地) a stretch of flatland in a hilly area
    - {天} (外行星運行到跟地球、太陽成一直線,且地球處于中間位置) opposition:

    favourable opposition 大沖

  • - (迅猛地直闖; 突破障礙) charge; rush; dash:

    rush the barricades; 沖過路障

    charge an enemy position; 沖向敵人陣地

    - (猛烈地撞擊) clash; collide:

    conflict 沖突

    - (用開水等澆) pour boiling water on:

    make tea 沖茶

    - (沖洗; 水力沖擊) rinse; flush; wash away:

    rinse the plates; 把盤子沖一沖

    Flush the toilet after use. 便后沖水。

    - {攝} (沖洗) develop:

    develop a roll of film 沖膠卷

    - (指沖喜) counteract bad luck:

    save a patient's life by giving him a wedding to counteract bad luck 沖喜



  1. 武士們沖進宮里保護國王。
    The cavaliers rushed into the palace to protect the king.
  2. 汽車以驚人的速度向橋沖過去。
    The car rushed at the bridge at astonishing speed.
  3. 他沖入戰場中。
    He rushed into the fray.
  4. 他們沖到樓上。
    They rushed up the stairs.
  5. 聽到煤氣的嘶嘶聲,他沖進來把它關掉。
    Hearing the hiss of gas, he rushed in and turned it off.
  6. 用熱水把菜盤上凝結的油漬沖洗掉。
    Use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.
  7. 他沖過馬路,向我跑過來。
    He dashed across the street and ran towards me.
  8. 你可以用熱水把菜盤上凝結的油污沖洗掉。
    You may use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.


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