



  • - (朝廷) court; government:

    go to court; 上朝

    the party in power; the ruling party 在朝黨

    - (朝代) dynasty:

    the Tang Dynasty; 唐朝

    dynastic changes 改朝換代

    - (一個君主的統治時期) an emperor's reign:

    during the reign of Emperor Kangxi 康熙皇朝

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Chao Wei 朝衛

  • - (朝見; 朝拜) have an audience with (a king, an emperor, etc.); make a pilgrimage to
    - (面對著) face; look:

    with a western exposure; facing west; 坐東朝西

    The window faces to the east. 那個窗戶朝東。

  • - (向) to; towards:

    go southward; 朝南走

    fire at the enemy; 朝敵人開火

  • - (早晨) early morning; morning:

    the morning sun; 朝日

    in one morning or evening 一朝一夕

    - (日;天) day:

    today; the present; 今朝

    tomorrow; 明朝



  1. 車朝我開過來時約翰叫道: "小心!"
    "Look out!" Jone called as the car came towards me.
  2. 他跳上馬,朝寺廟方向飛奔而去。
    He jumped onto the horse and galloped in the direction of the temple.
  3. 貓悄悄地朝著老鼠爬過去。
    The cat was creeping silently towards the mouse.
  4. 在朝陽之下,萬物煥然一新。
    Everything looked radiant in the morning sun.
  5. 在詩歌中,人生被比喻為朝露。
    Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.
  6. 石塊朝四面八方亂飛。
    Stones were flying about in every direction.
  7. 這棟建筑物朝北。
    The building faces north.
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