



  • - (做; 弄; 干) do:

    do some investigation and study; 搞調查研究

    Is it done? 搞好了嗎?

    - (進行; 開展) carry on:

    carry on family planning; 搞計劃生育

    carry on a movement [campaign] 搞運動

    - (從事) be engaged in; be in; go in for:

    be engaged in scientific research; 搞科學研究工作

    Those who go in for intrigues and conspiracy are doomed to failure. 搞陰謀詭計的人注定要失敗。

    - (擬定) draw up; work out:

    draw up a plan; 搞個計劃

    Have the blueprints been worked out? 藍圖搞好了嗎?

    - (生產) produce:

    It is purely for self-defence that we have produced some nuclear weapons. 我們搞一點核武器完全是為了自衛。

    - (玩弄) play:

    play tricks 搞花樣

    - (開辦; 建設; 創立) set up; start; run; organize:

    We're thinking of putting up a power station here. 我們打算在這里搞個發電站。

    In 1958 we organized ourselves into a commune. 1958年,我們搞了人民公社。

    - (掙; 做) make:

    Don't make so many dishes. 別搞那么多菜了。

    These people are just interested in making money. 這些人只想搞錢。

    - (設法得到) get; get hold of; secure:

    Will you get me a ticket [a ticket for me]? 你能給我搞一張票嗎?

    I shall use my best endeavours to secure you the position. 我將盡力為你搞到這個職位。

    - (后面接補語) produce a certain effect or result; cause to become:

    get a clear understanding of the question; 把問題搞清楚

    The teacher often mixed me up with another boy of the same family name. 老師常常把我和另外一個同姓的男孩搞混了。



  1. 她一輩子搞戲劇。
    She is been in the theater all her life.
  2. 瞧,我這是怎么搞的!它本是輛新車。我怎么辦好呢?
    Just look what I have done! It was a new car. Whatever am I going to do?
  3. 她每舉辦舞會,總喜歡搞得很排場。
    If ever she gives a party she likes to do it in style.
  4. 起初我搞不清那是怎么回事。
    At first I didn't know what to make of it.
  5. 這位演說者除了想搞笑之外,沒有別的目的。
    The speaker has no other purpose except to make people laugh.


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