



  • - (擔子) a carrying pole and the loads on it; load; burden:

    loads of goods carried on a shoulder pole by an itinerant pedlar; 貨郎擔

    ready to shoulder heavy tasks 勇挑重擔

  • - (重量單位) dan, a unit of weight (=50 kilograms); picul:

    One hundred jin equals one dan [picul] 一百市斤為一擔。

    - (用于成擔的東西):

    two buckets of water (carried on a shoulder pole) 一擔水

  • - (用肩膀挑) carry on a shoulder pole:

    carry water (with a shoulder pole and buckets) 擔水

    - (擔負;承當) take on; undertake:

    ready to face any danger; not to be afraid of running risks; 不怕擔風險

    undertake the responsibility for another; 為別人擔責任



  1. 這些新來者準備承擔一部分我們突然間感到很沉重的那些負擔嗎?
    Are the newcomers prepared to shoulder some of the burdens which we have suddenly discovered to be oppressive?
  2. 我錯了,我愿為此承擔責任。
    I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it.
  3. 我們可暫時擔當這項工作。
    We could undertake the work for the time being.
  4. 他被邀請擔任本地攝影俱樂部的主席。
    He was invited to become president of the local camera club.
  5. 要是你想得到一份報酬,你就必須做好你該分擔的那一份工作。
    If you want a share of the pay, you'll have to do your fair share of the work.
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