



  • - (不相同; 不相合) difference; dissimilarity:

    time difference 時差

    - (差錯) mistake:

    deviation 偏差

    - {數} (差數) difference:

    The difference between 6 and 3 is 3. 6和3的差是3。

  • - (稍微; 較; 尚) slightly; comparatively; a bit
  • - (派遣) send on an errand; dispatch:

    send a letter by messenger; 差人去送封信

    send [dispatch] him on an errand; 差他去辦件事

  • - (被派遣去做的事; 公務; 職務) errand; job:

    public errand; noncombatant duty; 公差

    hold more than one job concurrently 兼差

    - (舊時的差役) corvée; runner or bailiff in a feudal yamen:

    manservant; office attendant 聽差

  • - 同 “瘥” [chài]
  • - (不相同; 不相合) differ from; fall short of:

    We still fall far short of what the Party expects of us. 我們離黨的要求還差得遠。

    - (缺欠; 短少) wanting; short of:

    two people short; 差兩個人

    seven days short of a year; 差7天不到一年

  • - (錯誤) wrong:

    You're wrong there. 這你可說差了。

    - (不好; 不符合標準) not up to standard; poor; bad; inferior:

    The results are by no means poor. 成績不算太差。

    The factory's equipment is not up to much, but its products are not at all bad. 這個工廠設備差,可是產品并不差。

  • - (構詞成分)見 “參差” [cēn cī]



  1. 就在這些季節里,熱氣團與冷氣團的溫差最大。
    It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest.
  2. 這對我沒什么差別。
    It makes no difference to me.
  3. 我的日語相當差。
    My knowledge of Japanese is rather poor.
  4. 我的記性很差。
    I have a very poor memory.
  5. 我比較了復印件和原件,但是差別不是很大。
    I compared the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.
  6. 這兩種顏色之間的差別很難區別。
    The difference between the two colors is imperceptible.
  7. 質量雖差,但仍能接受。
    The quality is not so poor but it is acceptable.


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