



  • - (外面) outside; external side:

    be well-known; 名聲在外

    outside the school 校外

    - (外國) foreign country:

    modern or ancient times, China or foreign countries; 古今中外

    trade with foreign countries; foreign trade 對外貿易

    - (以外) besides; beyond; in addition:

    besides; into the bargain; 此外

    except; not including; not counting 除外

  • - (外邊的) outer; outward; external:

    outerwear; outer garment; 外套

    external secretion 外分泌

    - (指自己所在地以外的) other:

    other county; 外縣

    an outside cadre; cadre transferred from other place; cadres not native to the locality 外來干部

    - (稱母親、姐妹或女兒方面的親戚) on one's mother's, sister's or daughter's side:

    sister's son; nephew; 外甥兒

    sister's daughter; niece 外甥女

    - (關系疏遠的) not closely related:

    stranger; outsider; alien; 外人

    You regarded me as an outsider. 你太見外了。

    - (非正式的; 非正規的) informal; unofficial:

    nickname; 外號

    unofficial history 外史

  • - (向外; 往外) abroad; outward; out:

    marry abroad or marry out; 外嫁

    leak out 外露

    - (另外) extra; moreover:

    additionally; extra 外加



  1. 外面在下冰雹。
    It's hailing outside.
  2. 別人回家后,他仍在學校外面徘徊。
    He lingered outside the school after everybody else had gone home.
  3. 窗外的樹木擋住了陽光。
    The trees outside the window blocked off the sun.
  4. 他的蹩腳的英語說明他是一個外國人。
    His broken English showed he was a foreigner.
  5. 掌握一門外語并不容易。
    It's not easy to master a foreign language.
  6. 他外表粗魯,心地善良。
    He has a rough outside, but a good heart.
  7. 你隔多久就在外面吃一次飯?
    How often do you eat out?
  8. 他已經習慣在外面吃飯了。
    He is used to eating out all the time.


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