



  • - (送出; 交付) send out; give out; distribute; deliver; issue:

    give out; distribute; 分[頒]發

    send a telegram; 發電報

    - (發射) launch; discharge; shoot; emit:

    discharge a shot from a gun; 發炮

    shoot with unfailing accuracy; 百發百中

    - (產生; 發生) produce; generate; come [bring] into existence:

    generate electricity; 發電

    sprout; 發芽

    - (表達) express; utter:

    give out orders; 發命令

    Three comrades spoke at the meeting. 有三個同志在會上發了言。

    - (擴大; 開展) expand; develop:

    develop; carry on; 發揚

    grow; develop 發育

    - (因得財物而興旺) flourish:

    build up a family fortune; 發家

    suddenly become rich or important 暴發

    - (食物因發酵或水浸而膨脹) (of foodstuffs) rise or expand when fermented or soaked:

    leaven dough; 發面

    raise bean sprouts; sprout beans; 發豆芽

    - (放散; 散開) spread out; disperse; diffuse:

    volatilize; 揮發

    evaporate; 蒸發

    - (揭露; 打開) expose; open up; discover:

    expose; 揭發

    open up; 開發

    - (因變化而顯現、散發) become; turn; get into a certain state:

    turn yellow; 發黃

    become mildewed; 發霉

    - (流露感情) show one's feeling:

    laugh; 發笑

    get [become] angry; 發脾氣

    - (感到) feel; have a feeling:

    feel lazy; 發懶

    have a fever; 發熱

    - (起程) start; set out:

    start off; set out; 出發

    set off in the morning and arrive in the evening; 朝發夕至

    - (開始行動; 引起行動) begin an undertaking; cause to do:

    rouse [exert] oneself 奮發

  • - (顆,用于槍彈、炮彈):

    a bullet; 一發子彈

    about one hundred shells 上百發炮彈

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Fa Gen 發根



  1. 發展的主要障礙是這個國家人口太多。
    The main impediment to development is the country's large population.
  2. 貿易促進工業發展。
    Trade helps industry to develop.
  3. 我的頭發長得很長了。
    My hair has grown very long.
  4. 微風輕拂著她的頭發。
    The wind kissed her hair.
  5. 她身材苗條,有一頭長長的黑發。
    She was slender and had long dark hair.
  6. 別扯我的頭發!
    Don't pull my hair!
  7. 那位老人頭發花白。
    The old man has hoar hair.


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