



  • - (光線強; 明亮) bright; light:

    light and spacious; 敞亮

    The floor has been scrubbed clean and shiny. 地板擦得真亮。

    - (聲音強; 響亮) loud and clear; resounding:

    loud and clear; sonorous; 洪亮

    She has a resonant voice. 她的嗓子真亮。

    - (開朗; 清楚) enlightened; open and clear:

    be sharp-eyed and clearheaded; 心明眼亮

    I find what you say most enlightening. 你這一說,我心里頭亮了。

  • - (燈光; 亮光) light:

    Please move a little further; you're standing in my light. 請移開一些,你擋我的亮了。

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Liang Fu 亮父

  • - (發光) light; brighten; shine:

    light the kerosene lamp; 亮起煤油燈

    He flashed the torch on for a second. 他把手電筒亮了一下。

    - (使聲音響亮) lift voice; resound:

    lift one's voice 亮起嗓子

    - (顯露; 顯示) reveal; show; appear; display:

    disclose one's plan; tell the whole thing; 把底兒亮出來

    declare one's position; air one's view; 亮觀點



  1. 我們點燃了蠟燭,蠟燭照亮了房間。
    We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.
  2. 這輛汽車亮起了危險信號燈。
    The car had its hazard warning lights on.
  3. 當她看到他走過來的時候,她的臉亮了起來。
    Her face lit up when she saw he was coming.
  4. 天漸漸亮了。
    It's beginning to get light.
  5. 那黑洞洞的房間頓時被強烈的閃電照亮了。
    The dark room was momentarily lit up by a vivid flash of lightning.
  6. 一到黃昏燈就亮了。
    The lights go on at dusk.


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