
['ɡ?d?r]     ['ɡ?d?r]    
  • n. 受人尊敬的人



形容詞 good:
  1. having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified

  2. having the normally expected amount

  3. morally admirable

  4. deserving of esteem and respect

  5. promoting or enhancing well-being

  6. agreeable or pleasing

  7. of moral excellence

  8. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

  9. thorough

  10. with or in a close or intimate relationship

  11. financially sound

  12. most suitable or right for a particular purpose

  13. resulting favorably

  14. exerting force or influence

  15. capable of pleasing

  16. appealing to the mind

  17. in excellent physical condition

  18. tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health

  19. not forged

  20. not left to spoil

  21. generally admired

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