



  • - (把夾在中間的東西拉出; 提?。?take out (from in between):

    take a report out of the file 從文件夾里抽出一份報告

    - (從全部里取出一部分; 騰出) take (a part from a whole):

    release him from his job and put him in charge of the warehouse; 把他抽出來管倉庫

    Please try and find time to read the document before the meeting. 開會前請抽時間把文件看一下。

    - (某些植物體長出) (of certain plants) put forth:

    branch out; sprout; 抽枝

    The sorghum is in the ear. 高粱抽穗了。

    - (引出; 吸) obtain by drawing,etc.:

    pump water; 抽水

    draw blood (for a test or transfusion) 抽血

    - (收縮) shrink:

    This cloth shrinks in the wash. 這種布一洗就抽。

    - (用條狀物等打; 抽打) lash; whip; thrash:

    lash a draught animal; 抽牲口

    whip a top 抽陀螺



  1. 你需用泵著實抽吸幾分鐘,才能把油箱灌滿。
    You will need to pump hard for several minutes to fill the tank.
  2. 這臺泵通過這個閥門把(容器中的)空氣抽出。
    The pump sucks air out (of the vessel) through this valve.
  3. 抽彩儀式星期六舉行。
    The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.
  4. 發動機將水沿管道抽來。
    The engine draws water along the pipe.
  5. 他抽著煙斗,若有所思。
    He drew thoughtfully on his pipe.
  6. 在兩道菜之間抽煙有時認為是失禮的。
    It is sometimes considered bad form to smoke between courses at a meal.
  7. 婦女在大眾面前抽煙并非不常見。
    It is not uncommon for women to smoke in public.
  8. 在辦公室里抽煙可以嗎?
    Is it okay to smoke in the office?


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